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ISPmanager 5 Business Documentation

Configuration file


This article describes the ISPmanager configuration file (etc/ispmgr.conf) (/usr/local/mgr5/etc/ispmgr.conf) . For your convenience the below parameters are divided into modules as they appear in ISPmanager web-interface (many parameters are used by different modules).

In the article Configuration parameters you can find a list of configuration parameters and option in the alphabetical order, and control panels that use them.


  • path DefaultHomeDir — user home directory (full path). Do not modify this parameter once you start using ISPmanager as it may lead to unexpected effects! The default value is /var/www
  • path DefaultShell — a full path to the command interpreter. The default value is /bin/bash
  • Option EnableQuota — the control panel will activate the module for managing system quotas. If this option is not specified, quotas won't be activated. If you use ISPmanager Business, specify this parameter in ispmgrnode.conf.
  • Option DisableQuotasync — do not call the quotasync command before getting information about system quotas. This option can be applied on OpenVZ panels to resolve issues with displaying quota values.
  • Option XfsQuota — the control panel will manage quotas using XFS


  • FTP — this parameters indicates that the FTP-server is up and running. Where:
    • FTP-server — short name of the FTP-server. Possible values: proftpd, pureftpd and vsftpd.
    • Storage — a type of storage of virtual users. Currently, only file is supported.
       Example: FTP proftpd file
  • path proftpd.conf — path to the ProFTPd FTP-server configuration file. The default value is /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf
  • path pure-ftpd-etc — path to the directory with configuration files of the Pure-FTPd server. The default value is /etc/pure-ftpd/
  • path vsftpd.conf — path to the vsFTPd FTP-server configuration file. The default value is /etc/vsftpd.conf


Configuration parameters for this module are described in the article ISPmanager: Web-server configuration.

Domain names

  • DNS — this parameter and other parameters of the domain names base module in COREmanager 5 (that are used by ISPmanager 5).
  • DnsHostname — parameter describing the format of SOA-record, by default uses the hostname (for Business-version use ispmgrnode.conf)
  • SOAExpireTimeExpire parameter for the SOA record. Specifies the time, in seconds, that the secondary DNS server will attempt to complete zone synchronization with the primary DNS server.
  • SOARefreshTime  Refresh parameter for the SOA record. Used for the primary name server. In ISPmanager Business it is used on a node with a primary name server.
  • SPFRelayIP — list of IP addresses that are by default included in TXT-record "v=spf1" that is automatically created while adding a domain name.
  • ViewName — the name of view that is used by ISPmanager for creating domain zones.
  • DnsNsMasterIp — if external name servers are used, this parameter has a priority when specifying master zones created on external name servers. If it is not specified, one of the server IP addresses is used.
  • DomainContact — value from the "Administrator email" field specified in the domain settings form.
  • NameServers — value from the "Name server" field specified in the domain settings form.
  • MailServers — value from the "Mail servers" field specified in the domain settings form.
  • DefaultARecords -value from the "Subdomains" field specified in the domain settings form.
  • NsIps — IP address for NS servers, space separated.
  • Option NoSPFRecord — this option disables the automatic creation of TXT-records "v=spf1" when creating a domain name.
  • Option InsecureDomain — do not check a domain's owner of a higher level (available in ISPmanager 5.16 and later).
  • Option AcmeSkipAccountCheck — disables checking the number of unsuccessful attempts to connect to the Let's Encrypt account.
  • AcmeAccountCheckAttempts — the number of unsuccessful checks for the Let's Encrypt account, after which the account will be recreated. Default value is 3.
  • LetsencryptProcessCount — the number of Let's Encrypt certificates issued simultaneously. 
  • LetsencryptVerifyPeriod — the minimum period between retry attempts to issue a Let's Encrypt certificate.


  • DBCacheMaxDelay — maximum delay in seconds before the next request for actual database size is sent. See the article Database size for more information.
  • DBCacheCheckInterval — interval in minutes between checks for database size update (1 is used by default). If you use ISPmanager Business, specify this parameter in ispmgrnode.conf
  • Option DbAllowUpperCase — disable lower-case letters when creating or editing database names. This option is disabled by default, i.e. when adding or editing a database name, lower-case letters will be used.
  • DockerMaxAttempt — the number of attempts to connect to the database to check its accessibility. An attempt is made once in 10 seconds after the docker container with the database is started. The default value is 60.
  • MySQLDumpOptions — list of additional parameters of the mysqldump command line
  • PGDumpOptions — list of additional parameters of the pg_dump command line
  • path phpmyadmin-servers — path to the special configuration file phpMyAdmin where the control panel about database servers available. By default — /etc/phpmyadmin/servers.ini.php
  • path mysql — path to the mysql executable file
  • path mysqlcheck — path to the mysqlcheck executable file
  • path mysqldump — path to the mysqldump executable file
     If any of the paths specified above is not specified in the configuration file, 
     the system will try to find the required executable file in the directories specified in the PATH environment variable.

Mail domains

  • MTA — mail server
  • POP3 — POP3 server
  • MailFilter — email sorter
  • Greylisting — sendmail — milter-greylist, for exim and postfix — postgrey
  • afterlogic-alias -
  • SievePipePlugin — plug-in for Sieve
  • EmailAuth — authentication method
  • DovecotPwScheme — default encoding scheme
  • GreyListKeyword — the greylisting (acl/racl) parameter, may vary depending on the version
  • DkimCheck — application for DKIM check
  • WebMail — Webmail that is currently used
  • EmailAVCheck — application for anti-virus check
  • EmailSpamCheck — application for anti-spam check
  • EmailRecacheDelay — time in minutes that will pass before mailbox passwords will be reset. 0 — this action won't be performed.
  • ForwardEmailCount — the maximum number of mailboxes for sending a copy of a letter. 
  • path afterlogic — path to the afterlogic directory
  • path clamav-srvc — path to the clamav directory
  • path clamav-whitelist — path to clamav whitelist
  • path dovecot-passwd — path to dovecot.passwd
  • path dovecot-doveadm — path to doveadm
  • path exim-passwd — path to exim4/passwd
  • path exim-aliases — path to /exim4/aliases
  • path exim-domainips — path to exim4/domainips
  • path exim-whitelist — path to exim4/whitelist
  • path exim-blacklist — path to exim4/blacklist
  • path milter-greylist-restart — greylisting restart command
  • path greylist-conf — path to the greylisting configuration file
  • path mtaname-virtusertable — path to user virtual table (where mtaname — name of mta)
  • path mtaname-localhostnames — path to localhostnames (where mtaname — name of mta)
  • path mtaname-accessdb — path to access database (where mtaname — name of mta)
  • path mtaname-aliases — path to alias table (where mtaname — name of mta)
  • path opendkim-srvc — path to OpenDKIM
  • path opendkim-keyspath — path to OpenDKIM keys
  • path opendkim-genkey — path to opendkim-genkey
  • path postfix-postmap — path to postmap
  • path postfix-postalias — path to postalias
  • path postfix-bin — path to postfix
  • path postfix-domainips — path to domainips
  • path postfix-master — path to the postfix main configuration file
  • path postgrey-restart — postgrey restart command
  • path postgrey-recipients — path to postgrey_whitelist_recipients
  • path postgrey-clients — path to postgrey_whitelist_clients
  • path sasldb — path to sasldb
  • path db4 — path to db4
  • path saslpasswd — path to saslpasswd2
  • path sendmail-newaliases — path to newaliases
  • path sendmail-restart — sendmail restart command
  • path sendmail-mc — path to
  • path spamassassin-restart — spamassassin restart command
  • path spamassassin-localcf — path to
  • path MailHomeDir — name of the directory for email
  • Option LocalDelivery — allows for local redirects only


  • Firewall — the name of the firewall.
  • FirewallCheckAccess — disable security checks.

Backup system

  • path gnutar — path to the gnu tar archiver, you can also specify additional options here. PATH is used by default.
  • path gzip — path to the gzip archiver, you can also specify additional options here. PATH is used by default.
  • path cat — path to the cat utility, you can also specify additional options here PATH is used by default.

Please note: the control panels clear the temporary directory. We do not recommend using the directory with important data as the temporary directory.

  • BackupPriority — priority to start the backupctl process. Possible values are -20 to 19, where -20 is the highest priority, 19 — the lowest. 10 is set by default.
  • BackupTimeout — data preparation timeout. The default value is set to unlimited. 
  • Option EnableOldBackup — activate both the old and new backup systems.

IP address management module

  • DefaultInterface — the name of interface alias IP addresses will be added to. For ISPmanager Business it is added into the ispmgrnode.conf configuration file.

PHP management module

  • PhpReloadDelay –- delay before PHP-FPM configuration reload.


  • VirusdieLicIP — IP address for Virusdie license check.

Interface theme

  • DefaultTheme — default interface theme.

Other settings

  • DiskSpaceCheckPeriod — period for collecting statistics on disk usage. Specified in minutes.