
Make it possible for us to upgrade the additional MariaDB server

Make it possible for us to upgrade a currently installed additional version of MariaDB that we created.

For example, we have installed additional MariaDB 10.7 through the Database Server menu. Now, we want to upgrade it to 10.10, so we need to choose the target version and click upgrade.

By doing so, it save much more time than create a new server and import existing database to the new server.

07.08.2023 10:12

Added to backlog
Mary K

Hello Ahmad,

Thanks for the feedback! How often does the database server need to be updated? As far as I can see, this situation make appear when a database is developed for one version of the server firstly, and then adapted to a more recent one. I think this is a rare situation. 

So, I'll keep the idea in the backlog of ispmanager. Probably it will be developed lately. For now it is not included in the roadmap for the current year.

29.08.2023 06:47

Mary K
Hello Ahmad, Thanks for the feedback! How often does the database server need to be updated? As far as I can see, this situation make appear when a database is developed for one version of the server firstly, and then adapted to a more recent one. I think this is a rare situation.  So, I'll keep the idea in the backlog of ispmanager. Probably it will be developed lately. For now it is not included in the roadmap for the current year.

Hi, we are requesting this just for the ease of use only. Mainly because the MariaDB 10.11 LTS image is not yet available. So we're currently hoping to use the latest supported version of MariaDB. As of now the 10.7 is not maintained anymore based on mariadb release notes. So we want this just in case in the next update it will be helpful if we want to upgrade to the latest one. 

It's okay, since it's not urgent. Just some kind of idea if it can be considered for future release.

03.10.2023 05:32