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ISPmanager 5 Lite Documentation

Add a user


A user in ISPmanager is the owner of websites (WWW-domains). Only an ISPmanager administrator can create a user. 

A user can perform the following operations: 

  • create and manage websites; 
  • create mail domains and mailboxes; 
  • create and manage databases;
  • manage domain names;
  • set up SSL-certificates for domain names. 

Complete the following steps to create a new user: 

  1. Go to User accounts → UsersAdd.
  2. Enter a Username that the user will enter to log in to ISPmanager.
  3. Enter his Full name for identification. This information will be displayed only to the administrators of the control panel in User accounts → Users → the Full name column.
  4. Select the Template that the new user will be based on.  ISPmanager will automatically set the values from the template into the corresponding tabs Limits, Access, and Default values. For more information refer to the article Create a user template.
  5. Enter the Password to log in to the system and Confrm it. Use the upper and lower-case letters, digits, special symbols (such as @, ?, %) for better protection of your password.
  6. Enable the Backups option to create regular backups of user data.
  7. To restrict user resources, set the following limits:  
    • Disk  (MiB);
    • Databases;
    • Database users;
    • FTP-users;
    • WWW-domains;
    • Domain names;
    • Mail domains;
    • Mailboxes.
    The Disk (MiB) filed is only available if the disk quota function is enabled. For more information please refer to the article Set disk quotas.
  8. Allow Access to the following functions that the user may need when creating WWW-domains: 
    • SSL - select the check box to enable HTTPS for the web-domains of this user. Learn more under SSL certificates;
    • Select the CGI check box to enable PHP as CGI for the web-domains of the user;
    • Enable the Access to shell option to allow the user to access the terminal of the server with ISPmanager.
  9. To allow the user to process PHP scripts for websites, enable the following options:
    • PHP as Apache module;
    • PHP as CGI (Apache);
    • PHP as FastCGI (Apache);
    • PHP as FastCGI (Nginx + PHP-FPM);
    The options will be hidden if you haven't set up the corresponding modules of the web-server. Learn more under Web-server configuration.
    • Set the Default PHP mode;
    • Set the Default PHP version (CGI) for the modes CGI and FastCGI (Apache). 
  10. Select Encoding. It defines a set of characters to represent the content of your website:
    1. Do not select— use the default value for the database;
    2. utf-8 — contains any Unicode characters including Latin and Cyrillic ones. We recommend that you use this universal encoding; 
  11. Enter the Index page of the website. This page will open if a user tries to open a website by its domain name but doesn't specify a certain page. E.g. trying to open or instead of You can enter several pages separated by spaces in descending order of priority. If the first page doesn't exist, the second one will open, etc.
  12. Click on Next.
  13. Enable the option Create the selected objects automatically if you want to create the objects after this user is created:
    • Create an FTP-user. Enter the Name of the FTP-user;
    • Create a WWW-domain. Enter the Name of the WWW-domain, Select a script, and IP-addresses that will be assigned to the domain;
    • Create a mail domain to send emails. Enter the Name of the mail domain and its IP address.
  14. Click on Next, make sure the data you have entered a correct, and click on Finish.