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ISPmanager 5 Lite Documentation

Install a web-server


A web-server handles user requests to websites on the server with ISPmanager.

ISPmanager supports the following web-servers:

  • Nginx — handles static content;
  • Apache — handles static and dynamic content. 

We recommend that you use both servers. Apache’s .htaccess file gives it an edge for those in need of shared hosting, while Nginx has the upper hand with dynamic content and more elaborate features. 

Web-servers can work with several WWW-domains on a single IP address. To do so Apache uses virtual hosts (VirtualHost) and Nginx uses several sections server in the configuration file. The configuration files of the web-servers contain all parameters for website management. Those parameters are configured according to the information specified for a WWW-domain. Learn more in Add a WWW-domain.

Perform the following steps to set up a web-server:

  1. Go to Settings Features  → select a Web-server  (WWW)Edit.
  2. Select Apache:
    1. do not install;
    2. Apache MPM-Prefork — this method implements a non-threaded web-server. That means that each Apache child process contains a single thread and handles one request at a time.  As long as the number of requests is fewer than the number of processes, Apache Prefork is very fast.  The processes run with the permissions of the user that runs Apache. Therefore, it is less secure than Apache MPM-ITK and requires more permissions on website files;  
    3. Apache MPM-ITK — it allows you to run each of your vhost under a separate uid and gid, so it is more isolated. Apache ITK helps avoid issues with accessing files of the user website. 
  3. Select modules for Apache:
    1. PHP module to support "PHP as an Apache module". Learn more under PHP modes.
    2. Log analyzers: AWStats and Webalizer. Learn more under Website statistics
  4. Enable the Nginx option to install the web-server.
  5. Select PHP-FPM FastCGI for Nginx to support PHP "FastCGI (Nginx + PHP-FPM)". Learn more under PHP modes.
  6. Enable the Log rotation option to archive and delete old logs of web-servers. Learn more under Website statistics.
  7. Click Apply changes.