09 November 2022 Reading time: 1 minute

PHP Composer and storage classes for S3


See the traditional changelog news for an overview of the major updates in the 6.61 beta release of October 25.

PHP Composer

The feature you've been waiting for: you can now enable Composer in ispmanager to work with PHP packages. Composer will help keep order and not get tangled up in dependencies. For now it is available for ispmanager lite, host, pro, and soon will be available in business.

In the backup settings, you can set a class for an S3-compatible storage

You can now select a storage class for backups stored in an Amazon S3 and S3-compatible storage:
  • Default - corresponds to the default storage class for the bucket;
  • Standard;
  • Standard-IA;
  • Glacier.

These are the major updates in the release, but we also made many minor interface improvements and bug fixes - see our changelog.for details.