
Webmail is a familiar email that is opened through a browser rather than an application installed on the device. Gmail and Hotmail are popular examples of webmail. 

A mail server with webmail can be organized however you want: it can be your own server with a corporate mail domain, free mail on domains like gmail.com, mail in a cloud server. The main thing is that mail users have access to it. 

The pros of webmail over email applications are simplicity and accessibility. With webmail, you don't have to install software on your own computer, set up communication with the mail server, or worry that you won't be able to read and send messages if you don't have the necessary program on your PC.

Among the cons of webmail - the user depends on the stability of the Internet and can not work with mail offline. There may be limitations on the amount of data stored in webmail, depending on the settings. Another disadvantage is that the mail server administrator still needs to provide a webmail client for users to access their mail. But if you have ispmanager, this is not necessary.

The mail created via ispmanager can be opened in the free webmail Roundcube. You can switch to it directly in the panel - everything works at once.