Main page (Dashboard) description

Main page (Dashboard) description


A Dashboard is the main page of the control panel, it is intended for quick access to functions of the control panel. If the Dashboard is active, the “Home” link appears at the top of the main menu.

The Dashboard is described using an xml-document that should locate in the etc/xml directory. Use the following format for a file name: "manager name" + "_dashboard_" + "user role" + ".xml" (for example, "core_dashboard_30.xml"). When accessing the Dashboard for the first time, in the var/userconf/ directory, a configuration file named "manager name" + "." + "username" + "." + "dashboard.xml" is created (for example, "core.root.dashboard.xml"). Thus, each user can have their own Dashboard settings.

Changes made to the Dashboard xml will be automatically specified in configuration files.

If the file is not present in etc/xml, the Dashboard is considered inactive and the "Home" link is not displayed in the main menu.

The column with the sorted attribute must be present for block-lists. Otherwise, the limit on the number of records to be displayed will not be applied!  

XML description

Dashboard XML must contain one or several elements. Each block describes either a toolbar or a list.

Please find an example of the COREmanager Dashboard XML below.

Example of Dashboard XML

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <block name="taskbar" position="top" type="toolbar">
                <toolbtn form="usrparam" img="mb-set" name="usrparam"/>
                <toolbtn list="journal.stat" img="t-credit" name="report"/>
                <toolbtn form="brand" img="t-credit" name="brand"/>
        <block name="session" position="top" type="list" func="session" rows="5">
                <toolbtn name="kill"/>
                <col name="id"/>
                <col name="name" sort="alpha" sorted="+1"/>
                <col name="level"/>
                <col name="ip"/>
                <col name="idle"/>
        <block name="journal" position="top" type="list" func="journal" rows="7">
                <toolbtn name="edit" type="edit"/>
                <col name="time" sort="alpha" sorted="-1"/>
                <col name="user"/>
                <col name="ip"/>
                <col name="funcname"/>
        <block name="longtask" position="top" type="list" func="longtask" rows="5">
                <toolbtn name="view" default="yes"/>
                <toolbtn name="delete"/>
                <col name="name"/>
                <col name="queue"/>
                <col name="id"/>
                <col name="startdate"/>
                <col name="enddate"sort="alpha" sorted="-1"/>
                <col name="pidfile"/>
                <col name="status"/>

General description of Dashboard block

Block example

        <block name="taskbar" position="top" type="list" func="journal" rows="7">
                <toolbtn name="edit" type="edit"/>
                <col name="time" sort="alpha" sorted="-1"/>
                <col name="user"/>
                <col name="ip"/>
                <col name="funcname"/>

name attribute

A unique block name. It is used for identifying blocks in the Dashboard. It is also used for languages.

position attribute

Describes block location in relation to other blocks.

Possible values:

top - at the top (the block is expanded into two columns)

left - at the left

right - at the right

Block location also depends on the location of the tag inside the xml-file: the higher the block, the higher it will be positioned on the list.

type attribute

Block type.

Possible values:

toolbar — control panel

list — list

report — report

url  random html

autoupdate attribute

Sets the block update timeout, in seconds.

update attribute

Sets the block update when switching to the dashboard.


Description of control panel block (toolbar)

Example of the control panel block (type="toolbar")

        <block name="taskbar" position="top" type="toolbar">
                <toolbtn form="usrparam" img="mb-set" name="usrparam"/>
                <toolbtn list="journal.stat" img="t-credit" name="report"/>
                <toolbtn form="brand" img="t-credit" name="brand"/>

A control panel block contains a number of buttons for quick access to panel's functions.

Each button is described with the tag with the following attributes:


if set, the button opens a new window (attribute value — function name)


if set, the button links to the url specified in the attribute


standard link attribute, used together with link


if set, overloads the contents of the current window (attribute value — function name)


if specified, the button will open a form (the value of the attribute is a function name)


if specified, the button will open a list (the value of the attribute is a function name)


name of the icon


unique name of the icon. It is used to identify a button and for languages.

Description of list-block (list)

Example of the list-block (type="list")

        <block name="journal" position="top" type="list" func="journal" rows="7">
                <toolbtn name="edit"/>
                <col name="time" sort="alpha" sorted="-1"/>
                <col name="user"/>
                <col name="ip"/>
                <col name="funcname"/>

A list-block is used for describing a list (table) with data. It contains 2 types of tags: (buttons) and (table columns).

Please note!
There must be a column with the sorted attribute. Otherwise, limiting the number of output rows will not work.

The tag has the following additional attributes:

func attribute

function name (action name), which data should be shown in that block

rows attribute

limits the number of rows to be displayed on the Dashboard

The toolbtn element

Describes a button.

name attribute

Button unique name; must correspond to the name of the function button (action name) — see the func attribute of the list-block.

The col element

Describes a column.

name attribute

Column name; must correspond to the column name of the specified function (action) — see the func attribute of the list-block.

Block-html description (url)

Example of block-html description (type="url")

        <block name="journal" position="top" type="url">

Block-html is designed to insert random html from a given address. It contains one tag: (address of random html).


Short name of the manager (for example: core, ispmgr)


Panel version


Operating system (for example, Debian, FreeBSD, CentOS)


Operating system architecture


Operating system version

Please note that if the panel is accessed via https, the browser will block http addresses and https addresses with a suspicious certificate.

The infolist block type

Values in this list are divided into groups.


<metadata name="dashboard.info" type="infolist" mgr="billmgr" dashboard="yes">
    <rowgroup name="acc_info">
      <row name="id" type="data"/>
      <row name="regdate" type="data"/>
      <row name="phone" type="data/>
    <rowgroup name="personal_account">
      <row name="provider" type="data/>
      <row name="balance" type="link"/>
      <row name="annual_turnover" type="data"/>
    <rowgroup name="service">
     <row name="services" type="indicator" view="brackets"/>

  <balance func="payment.add">0.0000 RUB</balance>
  <annual_turnover>0.0000 RUB</annual_turnover>
  <services_used color="red">10</services_used>

The rowgroup element

The elements are grouped according to a certain logic.

rowgroup attributes

name attribute

an element name, used for group's name localization.

The row element

Describes a row.

row attributes

name attribute

an element name, used for row's name localization.

type attribute

specifies a data type. Possible values: data, link, indicator.

Description of values:

  • data — plain text;
  • link — link to a form (a function name and elid are specified by the func and elid attributes in the element with the value for string) or an external resource (the link is specified in the url attribute in the element with the value for string);
  • indicator — is displayed like 80 (10), the first figure is taken from STRINGNAME_total, the second one — STRINGNAME_used, you can also set a color using the color attribute.

view attribute

only for the indicator type, if it is set to brackets, shows the indicator as 80 (10)

Message description

Most Dashboard messages are uploaded automatically according to the function name. However, some messages should be specified manually in the message description file (for example, mgr_msg_ru.xml)

Example of message description

	<messages name="dashboard">
		<msg name="title">/Dashboard</msg>
		<msg name="title_taskbar">Toolbar panel</msg>
		<msg name="taskbar_usrparam">Control panel</msg>
		<msg name="taskbar_report">Operation log. Report</msg>
		<msg name="taskbar_brand">Branding settings</msg>

msg name="title"

describes the Dashboard heading

msg name="title_[block]"

describes a block name; [block] — block name (); it is used for toolbar-blocks, for list-blocks the message is uploaded automatically based on the function name. If you need to change a list-block heading, you can specify it here, the heading will have a higher priority and will be shown on the Dashboard.

msg name="[block]_[button]"

describes a button caption; [block] — block name, [button] — button name (); used for toolbar-blocks, for list-block the message is uploaded automatically based on the function name.

General recommendations

COREmanager allows logging in with the name and password of the server administrator (superuser). However, often most of the control panel functions are only available to users with administrator privileges. Therefore, it is recommended to create a button for quick access to the Control Panel with administrator rights from the superuser's main page.