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ISPmanager 5 Business Documentation

About WWW-domains


A WWW-domain (web-site) is a collection of pages and scripts available in the World Wide Web by a certain domain name. The ISPmanager control panel provides various features and options enabling users to manage WWW-domains and monitor hits statistics.

Create WWW-domain

The WWW-domain tab

  • Name — the name for the WWW-domain you want to add.
  • Aliases — enter the name of the alias(es) that you want to add for this WWW-domain. You can add an unlimited number of aliases, space separated.
  • Root directory — enter the path to the www domain directory.
  • Owner — select a user who will own this WWW-domain.
  • IP address — enter IP addresses that will be allocated to the WWW-domain.
  • Administrator email — enter the contact e-mail address that will be shown on the WWW-server error pages for this WWW-domain.
  • Create administrator email — enter the contact e-mail address
  • Administrator email password — enter the password.
  • Confirmation — retype the password to ensure it is correct.
  • Encoding — enter the default encoding (character set) for this WWW-domain. If you leave this field empty the default server encoding will be used.
  • Index page — enter the names of files that will be shown if a URL has no file specified (for example index.html index.htm index.php). If you leave this field empty the default server values are used.
  • Secure connection (SSL) — select the check box if you want to use the secure connection through HTTPs.
  • Redirect HTTP-requests to HTTPS — select the checkbox to automatically redirect HTTP-requests to secure HTTPS.
  • SSL port — provide the port number that will be used for secure connection through HTTPs.
  • SSL certificate — select a certificate for this WWW-domain (you can add a new self-signed SSL certificate as well).
  • Priority — if top-priority is set for this WWW-domain, requests by a domain name that is not registered on this web-server to an IP address assigned to this WWW-domain will be processed by that WWW-domain.
  • Comment — enter any information related to the newly created WWW-domain.

Additional features


  • Autosubdomains — select the subdomain mode for this WWW-domain. If you activate auto subdomains the subdomains will be created automatically.
  • PHP — select a PHP mode:
    • PHP not supported — without PHP support.
    • PHP as an Apache module — the apache mod_php module is used for PHP. One of its advantages is a higher speed capability.
    • PHP as CGI — PHP will be run as a CGI script (Common Gateway Interface). It starts with each request and terminates after the script is executed.
    • PHP as FastCGI — Apache mod_fastcgi is used for PHP.
  • CGI-scripts — check the box to activate CGI (Common Gateway Interface) for this WWW-domain.
  • File extensions — enter additional file extensions for CGI-scripts.

The Logs tab

  • Access log — select whether you wish to enable WWW-server access log and rotate it
  • Error log — specify whether you want to store WWW-server error logs archives and rotate it.
  • Rotation period — select the period for logs rotation (daily, every hour, every day, every week, every month, by size).
  • Size — enter the maximum size of the file (in MB).
  • Store archives — enter the number of log file archives to be stored on the server. Disk space occupied by the archives is included into the user
  • Analyzer — select a program to be used for WWW-domain logs analysis.
  • Period — select a rotation period.
  • Report language — select a report language.
  • Restrict access to statistical information — we strongly recommend that you restrict access to the statistical information of this WWW-domain. Otherwise, this information will be available to all the users on the Internet.
  • Password — enter the password to access the information.
  • Confirm — retype the password to ensure it is correct.

Delete Web-domain

To delete a Web-domain, select it from the list and click the "Delete" icon. Confirm that you want to delete the selected page in the following form.