Name server for a free domain name


To resolve a third-level domain name, BILLmanager creates an A record of the subdomain in the provider domain zone. You need to integrate BILLmanager with a software product that manages the provider zone. The system can be integrated with DNSmanager or ispmanager

A domain zone where third-level subdomains will be created for customers must be delegated to the name servers located on the server managed by DNSmanager or ispmanager.

Connecting a name server

To integrate BILLmanager with a name server management panel, navigate to Integration Name server

Step 1. Select a control panel: DNSmanager 5, ispmanager.

Step 2. Enter the URL, login, and password to access the control panel.

  • Provider — select a provider who can use the name server. This field is available only in BILLmanager Corporate.
  • Name — enter any name for this integration.  
  • URL — enter the URL of the control panel. Make sure it is accessible from the server with BILLmanager.
  • Username — enter the username of the account in the control panel with "User" role permissions (you cannot use "Reseller" or "Administrator" permissions). The domain zone for free third-level domains must belong to this user. 
  • Password — enter the user password. 
  • For free domain name — select the checkbox to allow creating a free domain name.
  • Provider name server, Private name server — select the checkbox to use either provider or private name servers. These settings are not used for Shared hosting, and ispmanager doesn't support them.
We don't recommend that you connect ispmanager with shared hosting services as a name server for a free domain name.
A domain name for third-level domains should not be created on the server with ispmanager for shared hosting.


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