Install a mail server
A mail server receives and sends emails of ispmanager users.
ISPmanager supports the mail servers Exim and Dovecot:
- Exim is an SMTP-server that sends emails;
- Dovecot is a POP3-server that delivers mail to mailboxes and keeps track of user disk quotas. SMTP-authentication is performed through the socket Dovecot.
Install both mail servers for correct operation.
The configuration file contains the required parameters to send and receive emails. The parameters are set based on the information that you enter when creating a mail domain. Learn more in the article Create a domain name. Mail domains and mailboxes are virtual and do not require real users in the system.
Perform the following steps to create a mail server:
- Go to Settings → Features → select Mail server (SMTP/POP3/IMAP) → Edit .
- Select "Exim" in Server SMTP (MTA) . While installing Exim, the system adds and configures the configuration template into its directory from /usr/local/mgr5/etc/templates/exim.config.
- Enable the option Dovecot (POP3/IMAP) .
- Select additionals packages if needed:
- Greylisting is a method of defending e-mail users against spam.
- OpenDKIM is a method to digitally sign and verify emails on the mail servers using public and private keys .
- SpamAssassin is an anti-spam mail filter.
- ClamAv is an antivirus toolkit for emails. Note.While installing ClamAV on OS Debian 9 the system checks the files of the anti-virus bases. ClamAV cannot start unless the bases are added. The installation process may take up to 20 minutes. In the log file (the default location is /usr/local/mgr5/var/pkg.log) you can see the message "Clamav databases have not fetched already. Waiting 5 sec".
- Sieve is a mail filter. It consists of a number of tests which are applied to incoming mail.
- Afterlogic is a webmail client that allows you to access your mailboxes (see Afterlogic).
- RoundCube is a webmail client that allows you to access your mailboxes.
- Click on Apply changes and wait for the installation process to complete.