Website statistics
In ispmanager you can collect statistics of user requests to websites. To do so you can use the following features:
- request log — contains the web-server access log;
- error log — contains a log of errors encountered for a WWW-domain.
On the WWW-domain add or edit from enable the options Access log and Error log and specify their parameters:
- Enable the log analyzer for the WWW-domain:
- Select an Analyzer. NoteThis feature is available provided that Apache and the modules Awstats or Webalizer are installed. Learn more under Web-server configuration.
- Select a statistics Period.
- Select a Report language.
- Enable the optionRestrict access to statistics, enter a Password and Confirm it. The login is the name of the WWW-domain owner.
- Select an Analyzer.
- Error log — specify whether you want to store WWW-server error logs archives and rotate it.
- Select a Rotation period.
- Store archives — enter the number of log file archives to be stored on the server.
To view the log go to Web-server settings → WWW-logs.
To view the reports go to Domains → WWW-domains → Website management → Statistics. Statistics for a WWW-domains is kept in /var/www//data/www//webstat.
How it works
Rotation is used to archive the logs so that they occupy less disk space. logrotate is a utility that is used for log rotation. The cron job /etc/cron.daily/logrotate starts the utility every day.
The rotation global settings are kept in the configuration file /etc/logrotate.conf.
Logrotate configuration file
Rotation parameters of WWW-domains are kept in the configuration files /etc/logrotate.d/web/. E.g.:
Configuration file of the WWW-domain log
/var/www/httpd-logs/<WWW-domain name>.access.log {
olddir /var/www/<WWW-domain owner>/data/logs
rotate 65530
<rotation period>
/etc/webanalyzer.d/<WWW-domain owner>/<WWW-domain name>
/var/www/httpd-logs/<WWW-domain name>.error.log {
olddir /var/www/<WWW-domain owner>/data/logs
<rotation period>
Run the rotation manually
Execute the command:
/usr/sbin/logrotate -d -f <path to the logrotate configuration file of a WWW-domain>
Execute the following command to start rotation for all WWW-domains:
/usr/sbin/logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf
The result may be the error "log does not need rotating" meaning that the rotation operation failed as it was already made that day. To run the rotation change the status of the last rotation for the WWW-domain in the file /var/lib/logrotate/logrotate.status.
Logs analyzer Awstats
Awstats configuration file
Enabling the log analyzer for a WWW-domain creates the configuration file in /etc/awstats/awstats..conf. The main parameters:
- LogFile — path to the log;
- SiteDomain — the WWW-domain being analyzed;
- DirData — path to the directory with results.
Automatic statistics collection
If you have selected "during rotation" in the Period field the analyzer will start by the logrotate utility. The following strings will be added into the configuration file /etc/logrotate.d/web/:
Configuration file of the WWW-domain log
/etc/webanalyzer.d/<WWW-domain owner>/<WWW-domain>
If the Period is "every hour" the statistics collection script will be added into the user cron:
Cron jobs
# crontab -u username -l
#ISPmanager log rotate <WWW-domain>
0 * * /etc/webanalyzer.d/<WWW-domain owner>/<WWW-domain>
Start statistics collection manually
Execute the command:
/etc/webanalyzer.d/<WWW-domain owner>/<WWW-domain>
Deleting logs
To delete the error log, enter Web-server Settings → WWW logs → select the log → press Clear → OK.
Deleting the query log from the control panel interface is not supported. This is to ensure that logs are rotated correctly. If you need to delete the query log for a domain, run the following command on the server with ISPmanager:
echo "" > /var/www/httpd-logs/<WWW domain>.access.log