Ispmanager 6 lite, pro, host documentation



Service monitoring is provided by the Srvmon program. The program is normally located in /usr/local/mgr5/addon/srvmon and started by Cron according to the scheduler.

httpd check

For checking http performance, Srmvon connects to port 80 (8080) of the server's primary IP address. It sends the GET/command and waits for the response containing the string with HTTP/1.1.

DNS check

Connect to port 53 of the server's primary IP address and request the last domain that was added to the control panel. If there are no domains, request the localhost domain. The domain is considered working when getting the request.

SMTP check

Connect to port 25 of the server's primary IP address. Get the string starting with "220", send "QUIT" and send the string containing code "221".

POP3 check

Connect to port 110 of the server's primary IP address. "+OK" will be returned, then send "QUIT", and wait for "+OK"

IMAP check

Connect to port 143 of the server's primary IP address. Get "* OK", send "A001 LOGOUT" and get "* BYE"

FTP connection

Connect to port 21 of the server's primary IP address. Get the string starting with "220", send "QUIT" and get the string with "221".

Unknown service

It checks that the name of the specified process is present in the list of processes.

Program logs

Normally, Srvmon logs them into /usr/local/mgr5/srvmon.log, the path may vary depending on a system.